Root Canal Treatment ( R.C.T.)

Pediatric care for Infants, Children & Adolescents

The small nerve inside our natural tooth may get damaged due to various reasons causing immense pain. Root Canal Treatment is the treatment done to alleviate most of the toothaches where the damaged nerve is removed and the inside of the tooth is cleaned and filled with a rubber like material. Such treatment is usually followed by an additional procedure known as a dental crown. With wealth of experience advanced armamentarium, we ensure a pleasant experience and long term success of our RCT treatment.

RCT (Root Canal Treatment) Price

RCT – Anterior Teeth : NPR 7,000
RCT – Premolars : NPR 7,000
RCT – 1st Molar : NPR 8,000
RCT – 2nd Molar : NPR 9,000
RCT – 3rd Molar: NPR 10,000
Re treatment RCT : NPR 10,000